Saturday, August 24, 2024

From Busy to Busier

I'm writing today and taking a short break from my busy mom life a.k.a. exhaustion, where I've been living for what feels like an eternity. You know, the usual – mom duties, household chores, work responsibilities, and a bit of procrastination. But you know what, no matter how busy I get, I always find a way to add more to my plate. I get annoyed at myself then I laugh realizing how stupid that sounds. 

My usual day consist of waking up really early to prepare the kids' baon, braving the morning rush to get them to school on time. Afterwards, I try to keep up with my toddler's demands for snacks and attention while simultaneously juggling a million other tasks like cleaning the house, sorting toys, making sure my kids' assignments and projects are ready for next day. And yet, I still managed to convince myself that I needed to start a new side hustle, finish the pile of my TBR book file, enroll my kids to sports/music classes, and learn how more things to craft. Did I mention that I'll be starting my driving lessons soon?

Yes, you read that right, crafting like stickers, keychain, leather, and crochet. I already have most of the materials ready. I mean, what's the point of having a spare moment when you can spend it trying to create something that will probably end up  up looking like a second graders' project? But hey, at least I'll be busy, right?

And don't even get me started on social media. This is my work, my niche. I should be pretty fed up scrolling everyday looking for influencers to collaborate with (sometimes I am actually) but I still can't get enough of checking my IG feed. I just can't resist looking for new toys, interior design, and of course the latest local and international chismis. Add the Tiktok, X feeds, plus Lazada and Shopee, and I'm done. Nothing accomplished! The following day will be a busy day for sure no thanks to me. Hahaha!

image not mine

But seriously, what's going on with us busy moms? Why do we feel the need to keep adding more and more to our plates? Is it some kind of masochistic desire to see how much we can handle before we collapse? Or are we just trying to prove something to ourselves (or others)? 

For me, it's a little bit of both. I mean, sure, there's a part of me that's just trying to keep up with everything. But there's also a part of me that's genuinely excited about trying new things and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.

I know I'm not alone in this crazy journey. So if you're out there, fellow busy moms (and even titas), let's comfort each other and laugh about our shared struggles. Maybe even share what other activities we should try next time? I'm thinking of doing pottery soon.. Oops! Maybe I'll add that to my ever growing list for the next year's activities. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

From Page to Screen

I wanted to share what happened to me for the last years but I can't help but rant on the recent series I've watched. That I guess that will be on my next post instead.

As an avid reader, I always get thrilled whenever I hear that a book I love is being adapted into a movie. I don't expect a scene-for-scene remake but I'd be happy if they stick to the core of the storyline and character arc. I understand that changes need to be made in order to make it interesting and to have an element of surprise. What irks me the most is changing the storyline for the sake of appealing to the society.

I recently read an article about George RR Martin saying "No matter how major a writer its is, no matter how great the book, there always seem to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and 'improve' on it." Can't blame him, A Song of Ice and Fire is a good book, albeit hard to read, and the ending of the TV series was a sad sad one. It seems like they were in a hurry and didn't take the time to develop the idea properly. 

Recently, I watched the third season of Bridgerton on Netflix. I actually started reading the books because I loved the first TV series. I became a fan! The book is better than the TV series but I still liked the first two seasons. I was disappointed when the show's writers chose to sacrifice a good storytelling for the sake of trendy, woke ideologies. I feel that it compromised the show's overall quality and I'm no longer excited for the next season. I mean I just really want to watch a good story without someone forcing an agenda. While I'm thrilled to see more representation on the show, I think it's important not to overdo it.

CCTO (photo not mine)

CCTO (photo not mine)

Anyway, one of my favorite book to movie adaptation is Harry Potter. I used to rush to National Bookstore and Powerbooks to see if I can get a copy whenever a new book is released. I love the book but I cannot imagine what a Quidditch game was, how a Golden Snitch looks, and the other out of this world terms. This is one of the reasons why I also love this movie adaptation as much as the book series. I get to see the words in these books in motion. Book or movie wise, it sets a good balance of being loyal to the plot and at the same time giving the movie audience something new to experience.

Any bookworms like me who feel the same about books to tv/movie adaptation? Let me know!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Me after Seven Years

Hello Blog! It's been seven years!! LIFE HAPPENED. Adulthood and Motherhood is hard, I have no time for hobbies these days but I'm going back to doing the things I loved when my life was simple. Social Media is tiring a lot of times but I need to be here since my work is Social Media (the irony). I wanted to delete this blog but I can't since I love all the memories stored here - bad grammar, photos, mundane thoughts, and everything. 

I promise to create more entries this month. As much as I like doing IG Reels, blogging will always have a scepial place in my heart. Gusto ko i update tong itsura ng blog na to and magsulat ng mga walang kwenta ulit. It will always be my favorite outlet. Wait ka lang blogger ha, I'll be back very soon!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Essential Oils

I've been hearing and seeing about Essential Oils from my mommy friends and celebrities I follow on social media. Young Living is the brand that has been mentioned numerous times. But when I learned of the price, I immediately lost interest. That's too much for me. Hehehe!

One time, I saw my ate's FB and IG post. It was Young Living essential oils and she posted how much she liked them and helped her family well-being. She got the Premium Started Kit. You know how people would talk non stop when they're into a thing? That's her about YL EOs. Because of her constant posting, it got me curious again. 

When my ate visited my baby, one of our conversation went to essential oils. I know she's not into Sales but her testimonials made me think twice of giving these a try. 

I checked for an oil that would help my hyper kid. And that was when I saw articles and recipes for ADHD. To make a long story short, I asked my ate to buy the Vetiver essential oil so I can try if it would work for my firstborn. I cannot order the Premium Starter Kit yet because it is way out of my budget and I don't think my husband would agree to spending a big amount for such. 

pic not mine

While waiting for the delivery, I was given some Lavender and Peace and Calming samples. I gave some to son but I don't think it worked. However, I use it while we were inside the car and of course my baby smell it. The effect? Well he was asleep for a long time. I was amazed because I didn't intend on using it on him. He's a light sleeper so his sleep is always interrupted. It got me excited! I might have some hope my son soon!

After a week of waiting, I got my Vetiver and Lavender bottles.
I tried it on my firstborn yesterday and it somehow made him less active. No running for about 2-3 hours and became more attentive. And it was just a drop of Vetiver and Lavendar oil! As for my baby, he got an uninterrupted sleep again last night. I just woke up to feed and he was sleeping the rest of the night. I got a good night too! Before going to school today, I rub the Vetiver and Lavender oil again. I was so anxious! When he got home, I was surprised that he wasn't running on his way inside. I ask him to do a lot of things things too and he did about 80% of it. Without me having to repeat them. 

This is really promising! I want to test it's consistency on him first but I'm close to buying my own kit too so I can start my Essential Oil Journey. I have a lot of recipes I want to try for my family and I'm hoping it will improve our well-being too.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

My Breastfeeding Journey

I always wanted to breastfeed my child. When I gave birth to my first son, I blogged about my frustrations because I wasn't able to do it. I was able to pump but it wasn't enough so it was formula all the way. Before I give birth, I already told my husband and family my plan to breastfeed my next child and I was happy that they supported me on this. I don't remember having their support with our first child so I was easily discourage to pursue it.

It was a good thing that my newborn was able to latch at the beginning of his life because it somehow made it easier for us to establish breastfeeding. Also, it was a big help that my OB Gyne, Dra. Heidi Dauigoy, is a breastfeeding advocate. She wanted me to embrace breastfeeding for this child because of the benefits. She doesn't have to tell me twice because it has always been my dream to exclusive breastfeed my child. 

It was true that breastfeeding is hard, specially in the first week. I doubted if I was able to produce enough milk. I actually give formula to Noah on his third day because I felt that he wasn't able to get anything from me. When he didn't latch in the evening, I got upset at myself so I read and read and read. I tried to make him latch from me again after I dropped formula on my nipples. 

Thankfully he accepted and I vowed that I won't give him formula milk again. Malunggay capsule, soup, chocolate malt drinks, oatmeal, Malunggay tea, lots of water, and unlimited latch. I ate, drink, and did everything in order to produce enough milk. When milk started dripping from my nipples uncontrollably, I knew I'll make it far. But then, sore and cracked nipples, interrupted sleep at night, and tiredness became my biggest enemies. I have to endure everything again for the sake of giving the best to my child. So here I am, more than one month already and yes, my baby is healthy. This is the start of my breastfeeding journey.